Alkame Smoothies

Fresh Green Smoothie Delivery

Tag: clean living

Alkame Smoothies and Raw Bite bars

We first came across the great Scandi brand Raw Bites when we were in Southern Sweden and became obsessed with their cool packaging and delicious flavours. Raw Bites are raw fruit and nut bars and when our shopping website launches in the next couple of weeks, you will be able to order them for home delivery as part of our home delivery boxes.

We will be stocking three delicious flavours, Protein, Raw Cacoa and Vanilla berries, though I can see how we will very quickly expand that to the whole range as they are that good!

Along with an Alkame green smoothie, they make a great easy and healthy breakfast.

If you’d like to know more about our home or office delivery to West London, Soho, Mayfair and the Square Mile then get in touch at

Alkame smoothies and raw bite

Our obsession with Fresh Almond Milk

Anyone who follows us on Twitter (@alkamesmoothies), Instagram (@alkamesmoothies) or Facebook ( will know that as much as we LOVE green smoothies, we are equally obsessed with Almond Milk.

We don’t mean the processed kind that is popping up in corner shops and supermarkets and which is usually packed with sugar. No, by Almond Milk we mean fresh, rich creamy almond milk made with almonds and fresh water.

For anyone who is lactose intolerant, vegan or would just like to reduce their reliance on dairy, almond milk is (in our opinion) the best cow’s milk alternative.

We could go into a lot of reasons why cow’s milk isn’t great, but instead of pointing out all the things that aren’t great about cow’s milk, we’d much rather  keep things positive and tell you about all the benefits of almond milk!

1. It’s great for your skin. One serving (about 250ml)  contains about 50% of your daily allowance of vitamin E which is great for skin health and protects against sun damage.

2. It’s great for your heart. Almond milk is rich in omega 3 fatty acids (the kind usually associated with oily fish). Your body needs a balance of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids to work at it’s optimum. Modern diets generally contain far too much Omega 6, so incorporating almond milk into your every day diet is a great delicious way to balance things out. Omega 3 is also important for reducing levels of unhealthy LDL cholesterol and reduces inflammation in the body.

3. It’s great to drink post workout as it helps with muscle growth and healing. Almond milk is relatively protein rich, but more importantly it contains lots of vitamin B and iron, important for building and repairing muscle.

4. It’s great for digestion, especially when made with blended (not pressed) almonds. Each serving contains about a gram of fibre which is vital for healthy digestion. Fibre also helps to maintain a slow steady energy (from natural sugars) release.

We love to make ours with raw cacao and a bit of maple syrup, plain or with a bit of turmeric which is great for the immune system.

As well as green smoothies delivery we will be offering fresh almond milk delivery when we launch in Notting Hill, West London (W2 and W11) and the Square Mile later in the month. Fresh is best.

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