Alkame Smoothies

Fresh Green Smoothie Delivery

Tag: dairy free

Alkame Smoothies and Raw Bite bars

We first came across the great Scandi brand Raw Bites when we were in Southern Sweden and became obsessed with their cool packaging and delicious flavours. Raw Bites are raw fruit and nut bars and when our shopping website launches in the next couple of weeks, you will be able to order them for home delivery as part of our home delivery boxes.

We will be stocking three delicious flavours, Protein, Raw Cacoa and Vanilla berries, though I can see how we will very quickly expand that to the whole range as they are that good!

Along with an Alkame green smoothie, they make a great easy and healthy breakfast.

If you’d like to know more about our home or office delivery to West London, Soho, Mayfair and the Square Mile then get in touch at

Alkame smoothies and raw bite

The easiest, healthiest ice cream you will ever make. Scouts honour.

The sun is out and that can only mean one thing, ice-cream time! Our ice-cream is different though, it is dairy free, vegan and doesn’t contain anything processed. What’s more it is stupidly easy to make (we promise). No ice-cream makers required, just a good powered blender.

Now there is a little bit of prep to this recipe, but all it involves is you slicing some banana’s and putting the pieces in the freezer for a couple of hours or overnight, nothing too taxing.

To make the base of the ice-cream, take your frozen banana pieces and put them in the blender. We use 3 sliced bananas which makes about 2 (big) bowls of ice-cream. Add about 100ml of fresh almond milk (or store bought if you don’t have fresh, just make sure you use unsweetened) and a tsp of vanilla bean paste. Blend and add more almond milk as needed. Et voila, dairy free ice-cream.

You can play around with flavours. We love to a make a strawberry version (by substituting one banana with a cup of frozen strawberries) or a chocolate version using raw cacoa (or – if you can’t find raw cacoa easily – good quality cocoa powder such as Green & Blacks) and maple syrup or honey for some added sweetness to balance the cacoa richness.

The vanilla ice-cream tastes great topped with bee pollen or with chunks of raw brownie bites (to make a healthy cookies and cream flavour ice-cream).  Or why not try roasting some peaches in the oven and serving your vanilla ice-cream with those and fresh raspberries? Peaches are bang in season and taste delicious slow roasted. You could even use a superfood such as lucuma powder (made from the root of the lucuma plant which has a delicious natural sweetness) to give your ice-cream an extra healthy kick! Just add a tsp of lucuma powder as you blend instead of using honey or maple syrup as a sweetener.

The great thing about this ice-cream is that not only is it really healthy, but it is really versatile. Also because it is made from unprocessed wholefoods, it’s guilt free and you can even (as we have been known to regularly) have it for breakfast. Very decadent and great for you!

If you try it out let us know what you think, we’d love to hear what you think!

Vanilla ice cream with peach and raspberry

Strawberry ice cream and green smoothie

Strawberry non dairy healthy ice cream